Our body is made of Pancha Boothas or five elements and each finger governs one element. Thumb represents Fire, Index finger represents Air, Middle finger represents Space, Ring finger represents Earth and Little finger represents Water. Imbalance in any one of these five elements causes disease.
Mudra Therapy is an app that allows you to enter slowly deep into the world of Mudras and its usage. In this version, you can find information about the mudras and its effects on acute, chronic as well as severe ailments.Practicing the Mudra helps to balance the five elements and maintain our body stress free and healthy. The Mudra activates the minor chakras in the body there by bringing prana or chi energy in our body.
People of age group between 5 and 90 can practice the mudras. It is very user friendly as you can use the mudra anytime. .
Our commitment to spreading this application is aimed towards stress and disease free Universe.
We wish you good health and wealth!!
Tubuh kita terbuat dari Pancha Boothas atau lima elemen dan masing-masing jari mengatur satu elemen. Thumb mewakili Api, Indeks jari mewakili Air, jari Tengah mewakili Ruang, Ring jari mewakili bumi dan Little jari mewakili Air. Ketidakseimbangan dalam salah satu dari lima elemen ini menyebabkan penyakit.
Mudra Terapi adalah sebuah aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memasukkan perlahan jauh ke dalam dunia mudra dan penggunaannya. Dalam versi ini, Anda dapat menemukan informasi tentang mudra dan dampaknya pada akut, kronis serta ailments.Practicing parah Mudra membantu untuk menyeimbangkan lima elemen dan menjaga stres tubuh kita bebas dan sehat. The Mudra mengaktifkan chakra minor dalam tubuh ada dengan membawa prana atau energi chi dalam tubuh kita.
Orang dari kelompok usia antara 5 dan 90 dapat berlatih mudra. Hal ini sangat user friendly karena Anda dapat menggunakan mudra kapan saja. .
Komitmen kami untuk menyebarkan aplikasi ini ditujukan terhadap stres dan penyakit bebas Universe.
Kami berharap Anda kesehatan yang baik dan kekayaan !!
Our body is made of Pancha Boothas or five elements and each finger governs one element. Thumb represents Fire, Index finger represents Air, Middle finger represents Space, Ring finger represents Earth and Little finger represents Water. Imbalance in any one of these five elements causes disease.
Mudra Therapy is an app that allows you to enter slowly deep into the world of Mudras and its usage. In this version, you can find information about the mudras and its effects on acute, chronic as well as severe ailments.Practicing the Mudra helps to balance the five elements and maintain our body stress free and healthy. The Mudra activates the minor chakras in the body there by bringing prana or chi energy in our body.
People of age group between 5 and 90 can practice the mudras. It is very user friendly as you can use the mudra anytime. .
Our commitment to spreading this application is aimed towards stress and disease free Universe.
We wish you good health and wealth!!